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SEWN Client Profile

Type of company and region: Biotechnical Product Manufacturer in Southeast Pennsylvania

SEWN Services Provided: Organizational restructuring; Sales & marketing improvements

Company Situation At Consultation:

The company had recently undergone a management restructuring creating the need for some internal workforce changes. Additionally they were experiencing cash flow issues while marketing strategies needed updating to improve sales.

SEWN's Role:

  • Management coaching for owners and top-line managers

  • Creation of a revised business plan

  • Research for new marketplace opportunities

  • Implementation of a sales funnel concept to address new business, facility utilization, and employee resources


SEWN's Director enabled the organization to implement change and refocus the organization into specific market targets. Employees and leaders are displaying better ownership of the new business processes.

SEWN's work with this manufacturer saved 74 Pennsylvania jobs.


The SEWN Client featured in this newsletter had trouble growing the business because the length of time between customer introduction and finally achieving a purchase order was very random. This caused a feast or famine situation for the flow of work into the business itself, resulting in significant inefficiencies and cost overruns. SEWN Introduced the sales funnel model to provide discipline and clarification on the responsibilities and resources required for various customer types.

Value mapping of current customers and targeting of potential new customers were identified and analyzed.

Sales Funnel

Large dollar volume customers or long lead time customers were assigned to sales teams lead by the owner and COO; while smaller $ volume customers were assigned to inside sales people. Each potential customer was contacted and a plan (using the four steps of the model) was created, resources assigned and timeline developed.

Based on time line and resources, the owner/team leader prioritized the potential customers. Color coded daily reports reflected progress (or lack of) and adjustments were made if required. In many SEWN clients, inefficiencies in managing the front end (selling, quotation and project management) side of the business can lead to sometimes large negative impacts on the production end and are misdiagnosed as shop floor problems.

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